We are looking forward to welcoming colleagues to Edinburgh for SIHDA 2019.
For those arriving in Edinburgh early, registration will be available from 12pm to 5pm on Monday, 2 September and from 9am to 5pm on Tuesday, 3 September at Edinburgh Law School, Old College
Please review the latest version of the programme on the SIHDA website
Updates to the programme
- Paul du Plessis will Chair Session 03 (Teaching Room 01)
- Mircea Dan Bob has been moved from Session 08 (Teaching Room 01) to Session 09 (Teaching Room 01)
- Maciej Jońca has been moved from Session 09 (Teaching Room 01) to Session 08 (Teaching Room 01)Session Chairs – please review the programme carefully and identify the sessions you have been allocated to chair
Session Chairs
Pplease review the programme carefully and identify the sessions you have been allocated to chair
Please bring your presentation on a usb drive in Windows PowerPoint format (.ppt or .pptx)
WiFi/Wireless Internet
The University of Edinburgh is part of the EDUROAM network. We will be able to provide a limited number of guest accounts for those not on the EDURAOM network
Please be aware of the latest weather forecast for Edinburgh (and Northumberland for those going on the excursion)
Opening Reception
We look forward to welcoming you at the Opening Reception at the National Museum of Scotland on Chambers Street, at 19.00 on Tuesday, 3 September.