Registration and Programme Updates

We are looking forward to welcoming colleagues to Edinburgh for SIHDA 2019.


For those arriving in Edinburgh early, registration will be available from 12pm to 5pm on Monday, 2 September and from 9am to 5pm on Tuesday, 3 September at Edinburgh Law School, Old College


Please review the latest version of the programme on the SIHDA website

Updates to the programme

  • Paul du Plessis will Chair Session 03 (Teaching Room 01)
  • Mircea Dan Bob has been moved from Session 08 (Teaching Room 01) to Session 09 (Teaching Room 01)
  • Maciej Jońca has been moved from Session 09 (Teaching Room 01) to Session 08 (Teaching Room 01)Session Chairs – please review the programme carefully and identify the sessions you have been allocated to chair

Session Chairs

Pplease review the programme carefully and identify the sessions you have been allocated to chair


Please bring your presentation on a usb drive in Windows PowerPoint format (.ppt or .pptx)

WiFi/Wireless Internet

The University of Edinburgh is part of the EDUROAM network. We will be able to provide a limited number of guest accounts for those not on the EDURAOM network


Please be aware of the latest weather forecast for Edinburgh (and Northumberland for those going on the excursion)

Opening Reception

We look forward to welcoming you at the Opening Reception at the National Museum of Scotland on Chambers Street, at 19.00 on Tuesday, 3 September.

Practicalities for SIHDA 2019 Presenters

Some information for those who have had papers accepted for SIHDA 2019:

  • We have received a very large number of paper proposals. It is likely that there will be four/five sessions running concurrently throughout the duration of the conference.
  • Papers should be 20 minutes in length with an additional 10 minutes allocated for discussion. Given the size of the conference, the session chairs will enforce this limit rather specifically, so please ensure that your paper conforms to this time limit.
  • You may use either PowerPoint or handouts. If you plan to use PowerPoint, please ensure that your presentation is compatible with the latest version of Windows and bring your presentation with you on a memory stick. Please do not leave your presentation on a laptop as we cannot guarantee the availability of connectors in all the venues.
  • If you plan to use a handout, please ensure that you bring 30 copies for distribution. Given the size of the conference, we will not be able to make last-minute copies of handouts on the day.
  • If you plan to use an audio or video file, please observe the same rules as for PowerPoint, especially in relation to compatibility with Windows.

The conference programme and book of abstracts are available on our Programme page.

We look forward to seeing you  in Edinburgh!

Accompanying Persons Conference Rate

Owing to a small funding boost, we are now able to offer accompanying persons a reduced conference rate for SIHDA 2019.




Includes: admission to all social events including*


Social events information correct as of 9 April 2019.



A full programme, including the presentation sessions for SIHDA 2019, is available here: SIHDA Programme

The abstracts book for the conference is available here: SIHDA Abstracts

Monday, 2 September 2019


Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Opening Reception at the National Museum of Scotland. The reception took place among the collection of Roman artefacts

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Opening session – The Playfair Library, Old College

Conference Sessions

Concert and Reception in Old College (performance by The Copper Cats)

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Conference Sessions

Reception and Scottish Country Dancing at Ghillie Dhu

Friday, 6 September 2019

Conference Sessions

Conclusion of Conference/Plenary Session

Conference Dinner at The Balmoral Hotel Edinburgh. Music provided by The West Coast Jazz Quartet

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Excursion to Housesteads and Vindolanda 

Google Maps – Locations of SIHDA 2019 Edinburgh Events

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts for SIHDA2019 may only be submitted online.

Please see our Privacy Statement before making your submission.

Please click here to register for the abstract submission system

Please click here to login to the abstract submission system


  • Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2019 *
  • Registration deadline for authors: 16 August 2019
  • Conference Dates: Edinburgh (UK), 2 – 7 September 2019

*by midnight GMT

Submission guidelines

  • Abstracts may only be submitted online  at
  • The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, 31 May 2019
  • There is a limit of two contributed submissions per registered author
  • All abstracts and papers may be submitted and presented in any language of the conference (English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish)
  • Submissions must include: Title,  500-word (maximum ) abstract, 5 keywords, the author’s title, name, surname, university affiliation, email, and the language the paper will be presented in.
  • Abstracts may not be longer than 500 words
  • Authors will have personal access and a password, to submit, manage, edit, etc. their abstracts.
  • After having registered as an author, you will receive a confirmation by email  with a link to activate your account.
  • After submitting your abstract, you will receive an email with your abstract id.
  • If you encounter any problems during the submission process or you do not receive any confirmation by email please contact Dr Karen Baston or Professor Paul du Plessis
  • If you wish to make any corrections to an already submitted abstract or if you wish to submit other abstracts, you should use your personal access. Corrections to abstracts can only be made until the deadline: 31 May 2019.