Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstracts for SIHDA2019 may only be submitted online.
Please see our Privacy Statement before making your submission.
Please click here to register for the abstract submission system
Please click here to login to the abstract submission system
- Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2019 *
- Registration deadline for authors: 16 August 2019
- Conference Dates: Edinburgh (UK), 2 – 7 September 2019
*by midnight GMT
Submission guidelines
- Abstracts may only be submitted online at https://www.sihda2019abstracts.law.ed.ac.uk/
- The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, 31 May 2019
- There is a limit of two contributed submissions per registered author
- All abstracts and papers may be submitted and presented in any language of the conference (English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish)
- Submissions must include: Title, 500-word (maximum ) abstract, 5 keywords, the author’s title, name, surname, university affiliation, email, and the language the paper will be presented in.
- Abstracts may not be longer than 500 words
- Authors will have personal access and a password, to submit, manage, edit, etc. their abstracts.
- After having registered as an author, you will receive a confirmation by email with a link to activate your account.
- After submitting your abstract, you will receive an email with your abstract id.
- If you encounter any problems during the submission process or you do not receive any confirmation by email please contact Dr Karen Baston or Professor Paul du Plessis
- If you wish to make any corrections to an already submitted abstract or if you wish to submit other abstracts, you should use your personal access. Corrections to abstracts can only be made until the deadline: 31 May 2019.