3rd Call for Papers
Dear Friends,
Herewith the third ‘call for papers’ for the SIHDA 2019 in Edinburgh.
The main website of the conference is: https://www.sihda2019.law.ed.ac.uk You will find the necessary information relating to registration for the conference and submission of abstracts on the website.
Please permit me to remind you of certain deadlines:
1. ‘Early-bird’ registration will close on 31st March 2019. There are a few places left, but not that many.
2. ‘Abstract submission’ will close on 31st May 2019. Please ensure that you submit your finalized abstract by this date.
3. ‘Conference attendance’ will close on 16 August 2019. Thereafter, it will no longer be possible to enroll to attend this conference.
We look forward to welcoming you all in Edinburgh.
All good wishes,
Paul du Plessis